Public Art + Placemaking

Connecting people through art in the spaces we share Read More

Why Public Art?  

At Arts New Orleans, we are the support system of public art + placemaking. Public art adds enormous value to the cultural and economic vitality of a community.  Our public art projects range from production of a 10-story mural to operating a free artist studio and exhibition space to working with artists and residents to produce public projects that build awareness about the city’s water infrastructure. In a culturally diverse city like New Orleans, public art must reflect a plurality of influences and interests and be fully integrated into our shared environments. To achieve this, we partner with public, private, non-profit, and community agencies to identify and maintain sustained sources of support and to integrate art and artists into City operations. 

What is Placemaking?  

According to the Project for Public Spaces, “placemaking strengthens the connection between people and those places they share,” whether in the built environment or in the landscape. “Placemaking is a collaborative process by which we shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value.” In this way, the arts benefit all residents of the Greater New Orleans region. 

Locate Public Art + Placemaking projects throughout the City of New Orleans

Click on the number at center and zoom in to locate artworks

Past Public Projects & Exhibitions