Louisiana Project Grants



Louisiana Project Grants (previously DAF) are administered jointly with the Louisiana Division of the Arts. These grants support arts projects across the State. Arts New Orleans administers these grants for Region 1, which includes Orleans, Jefferson, and Plaquemines Parishes.

Applications are now closed.

Louisiana Project Grants, previously known as the Decentralized Arts Funding Program, provide funding to develop arts projects that meet local needs. The purpose of the program is to cultivate innovative arts projects that have a lasting impact within each region of our state. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Open to individual artists, nonprofit arts organizations, nonprofit organizations, public and private schools, school boards, colleges and universities, and local government agencies
  • Must apply in the region in which the organization is domiciled and incorporated
  • Must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number (Click here to read more about the federal government transition from DUNS to UEI)
  • Individual artists must apply with a fiscal agent
  • Must be an ART project involving dance, design arts, folklife, literature, media, music, theatre, or visual arts for the purpose of performance, exhibit, presentation, series or workshop

Read guidelines for the complete requirements.

Grants staff

Daniel O’Connell, daniel@artsneworleans.org, 215-435-3686.